mostafa ghalavand; Abdullah Shafiabadi; Ebrahim Naimi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of individual-couples factors on the creation and continuation of work-family conflict in married nurses. The statistical population of this study was all married nurses with work-family conflict working at Trita Specialty Hospital in 1997, out ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of individual-couples factors on the creation and continuation of work-family conflict in married nurses. The statistical population of this study was all married nurses with work-family conflict working at Trita Specialty Hospital in 1997, out of which 16 persons who scored higher on the clean line in Carlson questionnaire were available through convenience sampling. In-depth interviews were conducted and data were analyzed using a qualitative approach based on the data base method. The findings of this study on individual factors causing work-family conflict in married nurses were that decreasing levels of physical and psychological health, job responsibility, role expectation stress, and decreasing motivational resources that exacerbate conflict occurrence, and It reduces one's psychological and physical well-being. Also regarding parental factors, causing work-family conflict among married married nurses, the findings were that emotional exhaustion, interference with housework and the way nursing profession looked at work-family conflict interfered with work roles and reduced family roles.
Ladan Araghi; abdollah shafiabadi; ali delavar; mojgan mardani rad
The present study was conducted to develop a structural model of love failure based personality traits, attachment style and early maladaptive schemas, family (parenting patterns) and social (perceived social support) factors.The research method is correlational and structural equation modeling. The ...
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The present study was conducted to develop a structural model of love failure based personality traits, attachment style and early maladaptive schemas, family (parenting patterns) and social (perceived social support) factors.The research method is correlational and structural equation modeling. The statistical population included all girls and boys with experience of love failure who had referred to counseling centers in regions 1. 2, 3 and 5 of Tehran in the first half of 1398. Among them, using voluntary sampling method, individuals who were willing to participate in the study and also met the inclusion criteria were identified. In the next step, 200 of them were randomly selected and evaluated. Research measurement tools included: Hazan and Shaver Attachment Questionnaire (AAI), Love Trauma Symptom Inventory (LTSI), NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI), Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form (YSQ-SF), Questionnaire Grolnick Parental Perception (POPS) and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS). descriptive statistics and inferential statistics by path analysis and factor analysis. The results of data analysis showed that the overall effect of individual factors, namely the three factors of personality traits, attachment style and early maladaptive schemas, as well as the social factor of perceived social support variable on love failure of boys and girls in Tehran was significant. In relation to the second hypothesis, namely the family factor or parenting patterns in the present study, the results of the structural equation model showed that the overall effect of this variable on love failure was not significant. However, more detailed analysis showed that among the subscales of parenting patterns, the three components of father-child employment, support for father autonomy and father warmth had a significant effect on the love failure of girls and boys. The results also showed that the tested model is a desirable model and has an acceptable fit.
Solmaz Mobassem; Ali Delavar; Abolfazl Karami; Baqer Sana'i; Abdollah Shafi'abadi
Volume 3, Issue 9 , December 2013, , Pages 81-102
The presence of one of the couple (wife) in therapy with intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy approach can improve the marital relationship. The purpose of present study is to determine the effectiveness of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy in decreasing the marital conflict in women. ...
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The presence of one of the couple (wife) in therapy with intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy approach can improve the marital relationship. The purpose of present study is to determine the effectiveness of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy in decreasing the marital conflict in women. The study was administered with a quasi-experimental design and case study in the centers of psychology and counseling in Tehran. Five women who had marital conflict and were appropriate for short-term dynamic psychotherapy were sampled purposefully. They participated individually in 12–15 therapeutic sessions with Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy. Marital conflict questionnaire was completed by participants in two stages, before and one week after intervention. The data were analyzed by dependent t-test. The results showed that the marital conflict of women of case study (n=5) was less than that before the intervention. Intervention treatments, based on the intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy, can be useful for decreasing marital conflict in women.
Atousa Kalanter Hormozi; Ma'soumeh Esma'ili; Zohreh Tavaziani; Abdollah Shafi'abadi; Ali Delavar
Volume 3, Issue 8 , September 2012, , Pages 1-28
This qualitative research addresses the evolution of the concept of self from the perspective of Transcendental Philosophy and Post-Modern Psychology with the aim of clarifying their approach towards the human psychopathology.
The research sample covered all the available reference books on Transcendental ...
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This qualitative research addresses the evolution of the concept of self from the perspective of Transcendental Philosophy and Post-Modern Psychology with the aim of clarifying their approach towards the human psychopathology.
The research sample covered all the available reference books on Transcendental Philosophy and Post-Modern Psychology, and the extracted information was recorded on more than 1000 note cards. The content analysis method was employed to extract the key concepts of self and human psychopathology which were later arranged in two separate tables and approved by three experts in the field. The key concepts were also compared and contrasted using the hermeneutic method; they were classified as the perspectives of Mulla Sadra and Post-Modern Psychology, and a third perspective, formulated by the researcher, was clarified on their basis.
The results indicated that while the two perspectives share some common ground on the evolution of the concept of self and the human psychopathology, they show substantial differences in the manner the concept of self is evolved, the causes of disease and their types and treatments. Having blended the earlier approaches, the researcher finally presented her own perspective.