Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Computer Science, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran


The negative signs of stress can be reduced or even eliminated if they are recognized early. Hence, the level of stress needs to be continuously measured and reported especially if the stressors are frequent or continuous. M-health is a new technology to provide mobile healthcare services including mental and behavioral. It allows the healthcare specialists and patients are linked beyond their mobility and physical location while the system is connected. This paper presents the system model for an M-mental healthcare system which automatically detects stress. This system, which is called MSAS, continuously measures the stress level using wearable sensors connected to a mobile phone. The consumer gets alarm and/or the mental healthcare team receives a call if the stress level is recognized above a particular threshold. MathLab is used to simulate and evaluate MSAS. The results show that MSAS offers benefits to detect stress with an acceptable level of accuracy.


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