Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph. D. in Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan

2 Ph. D. in Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


Stress is one of the most important social factors which are effective in disturbing psychological balance. Regarding the length of time the people spend in working environment, this issue is of high importance in the field of employees. One the other hand, during past decades, there has been much attention paid to psychological features and positive psychological processes in positive organizational research in the studies; specifically, it is well known that these constructs are effective in the human's welfare, optimism, vitality, and self-mastery are some cases in point. The effectiveness of above-mentioned variables on the stress has been investigated in the present study. The study sample includes 110 employees working at Isfahan industrial companies. The sample has been selected using stratified random sampling method appropriate for the sample size. The study instruments include Eliot Job Stress Questionnaire, Scheier and Carver optimism questionnaire, Nix, Ryan, Manly & Deci vitality questionnaire and Pearlin and Schoolers Self-mastery. The data analysis method adopted was step-wise regression. In regression analysis, first, optimism, second, vitality, then self-mastery were recognized as perceived stress predictors. The relationships between positive variables and stress have been reported to be opposite. Based on the results analyzed, three above-mentioned variables have had the capability to explain 36% of stress variance. The results of the study imply that working on positive variables to make them act effectively on decreasing stress is of high value in the organizations.


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