nahid hosseinabad; mahmoud najafi; alimohammad rezaee
Aim: the aim of research was study of positive youth development program effect on psychological wellbeing factors (Self-acceptance, Personal growth, Purpose in life, Environmental mastery, Autonomy, Positive relations with others). Materials and method: method of research was experimental design of ...
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Aim: the aim of research was study of positive youth development program effect on psychological wellbeing factors (Self-acceptance, Personal growth, Purpose in life, Environmental mastery, Autonomy, Positive relations with others). Materials and method: method of research was experimental design of pre-test, post-test and follow-up with control group. Research society was girl students in ninth grade in governmental high schools of Arak city in 2017- 2018 academic year that 60 students were selected through random multi stage sampling were random in all stages and set in experimental group (30 student) and control group (30 student) in random method. Finally expelled 7 students from experimental group and 5 students from control group as for research inclusion and exclusion criteria. Research instrument was Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being (18 questions version). Experimental group participated in positive youth development program in 24 one- hour sessions. Then was performed post- test and after 2 months follow- up for both group. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used for data analysis. Results: Findings of research indicated positive youth program increase psychological wellbeing factors (Self-acceptance, Personal growth, Purpose in life, Environmental mastery, Autonomy, Positive relations with others). These findings were stable after 2 months. Conclusion: positive youth development program can appropriate practical plan for enhance of psychological wellbeing factors and concluded to their positive mental health. Keywords: positive youth development program, positive psychology, psychological wellbeing, psychological wellbeing factors, adolescents.
saeed khodabandelow; Mahmoud Najafi; Icaaq Rahimian Boogar
The present study aimed to study the effectiveness of schema mode therapy on the increasing of explicit and implicit self -esteem in narcissistic personality disorder was carried out. In this study, the A-B single-subject design, and multiple baseline were used. The study sample was three clinic clients ...
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The present study aimed to study the effectiveness of schema mode therapy on the increasing of explicit and implicit self -esteem in narcissistic personality disorder was carried out. In this study, the A-B single-subject design, and multiple baseline were used. The study sample was three clinic clients in Qazvin who were selected by purposive sampling. So that, the clients after answering to the Third Version of Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory (MMPI-III(, were diagnostic interviewed by psychiatrist, and they were diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). First, at baseline, subjects (2 female, 1 male), responded to the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES). After drawing the baseline data, the treatment process was followed in accordance with the principles of the single subject experimental designs and all three subjects entered to the treatment plan one after another. Schema therapy in 20 individual 60-minute sessions weekly for 2 sessions was administered and 1 month after the end of treatment, follow-up period followed. Finally, the data obtained using descriptive statistics, visual analysis charts with trend indicators, stability, percentage data unoverlapping (PND), and the percentage overlapping data (POD) were analyzed. The results showed that schema mode therapy on the increasing of the explicit self-esteem in narcissistic personality disorder was not effective, but on their implicit self-esteem was effective. According to the results, schema therapy on improving and increasing of the explicit self-esteem in narcissistic personality disorder is efficient and effective, and can be used in the treatment of symptoms that they are due to low implicit self-esteem in narcissism patients.
Alireza Maredpour; Mahmoud Najafi
This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing technique on treatment of women's post-traumatic stress disorder in Yasooj. The population of this study was all women who have had psychological and psychiatric recording hospitals and therapeutic and specialized ...
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This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing technique on treatment of women's post-traumatic stress disorder in Yasooj. The population of this study was all women who have had psychological and psychiatric recording hospitals and therapeutic and specialized enters of Yassoj diagnosed with Posttraumatic stress disorder arising from non-military events. Fourty members of the population were selected randomly and divided into two groups of experimental and control that each of them including 20 people. Then technique of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing was applied to the experimental group in during five sessions ninety minute once week but no experiment was done to the control group. The study instruments included Impact of event revised scale, PTSD symptoms self-report scale, Symptom Checklist-90-R. The study participants were tested in pre-test, post-test, with regard to the variables under study. Obtained Data were analysed using MANCOVA and ANCOVA methods. The findings obtained based on data analysis showed that the method of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing decreased scores of the Impact of event revised scale, PTSD symptoms self-report scale, Global severity index of Symptom Checklist-90-R.The obtained results showed that this treatment method had been effective on alleviating PTSD and its symptoms.