Mehrnoosh Poursaeid Esfahani; Hosseinali Mehrabi; Hamid Taher Neshat Doost
Objective: Depression is a common and recurrent mental disorder and one of the main causes of disability. A large number of depressed people report intrusive negative memories, however, there is no specific therapeutic strategy that specifically targets these memories. In this regard, imagery rescripting ...
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Objective: Depression is a common and recurrent mental disorder and one of the main causes of disability. A large number of depressed people report intrusive negative memories, however, there is no specific therapeutic strategy that specifically targets these memories. In this regard, imagery rescripting is a psychotherapeutic technique that addresses memories and previous experiences and aims to improve negative emotions by changing the inner representation of negative memories and images. Although the treatment was initially developed for traumatized individuals, several interventions have yielded promising results for people suffering from other psychological disorders as well. Also, it seems that the interest in and applications of imagery rescripting for depression are quickly increasing. In this direction, the purpose of this article is to review clinical studies assessing the effects of imagery rescripting on depression, as well as possible processes underlying imagery rescripting.Research Methodology: The present study is a review article that has been collected through study of 37 articles in the field of imagery rescripting, rescripting, imagery, mental imagery, mental images، intrusive memories and depression.Findings: The review shows that imagery rescripting is associated with a reduction in cognitive, emotional and behavioral symptoms of depression and related distresses and is an effective intervention for depression, distress of aversive memories and other related variables.Conclusion: Overall, it seems that more research is needed to compare different imagery rescripting protocols, investigate mechanisms of change, evaluate modulating factors and therapeutic changes for more effectiveness. Therefore, based on the review, a future research agenda is proposed to provide a sketch for further research in Iranian society.
Zahra Zamanian; Changiz Rahimi
Abstract The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the 42-item form of the Persian questionnaire for general assessment of psychotic experiences (Stefanis &, 2002) of Shiraz University students.Also, this study examined the relationship between psychotic experiences ...
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Abstract The purpose of this study was to assess the psychometric properties of the 42-item form of the Persian questionnaire for general assessment of psychotic experiences (Stefanis &, 2002) of Shiraz University students.Also, this study examined the relationship between psychotic experiences and general health. For this purpose, 200 male and female students (129 male and 71 female) with average ages of 23.75 and 25.69, respectively, were selected by simple random sampling method and they completed the General Assessment of Psychotic Experiences Questionnaire (CAPE, Stefanis &, 2002) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ, Goldberg & Hiller, 1979). Data were analyzed with SPSS-22 and AMOS-22 software using multivariate analysis of variance, confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha and the convergent validity of CAPE was measured with GHQ (r= 0.52). The results showed that the components of the CAPE scale had acceptable internal consistency. The components of GHQ questionnaire also had a statistically significant positive correlation with the dimensions and total score of CAPE. Finally, women scored higher than men in depression and positive symptoms. In general, it can be said that this questionnaire has a good validity and reliability and seems to be able to measure psychotic experiences in the general population, especially University students.
Maryam Vatankhah; S. M. Hossein Mousavi Nasab
People with depression have impaired cognitive functions and psychological symptoms of depression. Depression is characterized by negative biases in different aspects of information processing that is related to vulnerability for the development, higher levels of depressive symptoms, maintenance and ...
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People with depression have impaired cognitive functions and psychological symptoms of depression. Depression is characterized by negative biases in different aspects of information processing that is related to vulnerability for the development, higher levels of depressive symptoms, maintenance and even recurrence of depression. Psychologists believe that memory is the foundation of cognitive psychology. Memory is one of the most important cognitive impairments in patients with depression, and its impairment exacerbates their inability to perform daily functions. autobiographical memory is part of the memory. Research has shown that there is a strong link between psychological symptoms and autobiographical memory bias. Depression can lead to impaired memory so that depressed individuals have difficulty retrieving specific memories. In other words, overgeneralization of autobiographical memory occurs. Considering the importance of this issue in the last two decades, extensive research has been done on the relationship between depression and memory, and memory-based depression treatments, which have sometimes yielded contradictory results. Despite these extensive pharmacological and psychological treatments for depression, there are limitations in comprehensiveness and efficacy of these treatments that leads to the need for more research on depression-related interventions. The present study is a systematic review article that has been collected through a complete study of 45 articles in the field of each of the interventions proposed during the article, history of memory and major depression. The aim of this study was to review autobiographical episodic memory-based training interventions for patients with depression to provide a sketch for more extensive research on each of these interventions. Overall, the studies conducted in this study indicated that episodic autobiographical- based memory training interventions have significant effects on the improvement and depressive symptoms in patients with depression.
Marziye Laghaei; Mahnaz Mehrabizadeh honarmand; Nasrin Arshadi
Suicidal ideation represents a clinical emergency in psychiatry and individuals with suicidal ideation had a higher risk for suicide attempt than ones with non-suicidal ideation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediation role of depression in the relationship between resilience and problem-oriented ...
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Suicidal ideation represents a clinical emergency in psychiatry and individuals with suicidal ideation had a higher risk for suicide attempt than ones with non-suicidal ideation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediation role of depression in the relationship between resilience and problem-oriented and emotion-oriented coping strategies with suicidal ideation. The present study was a correlational research based on structural equation modeling (SEM). In this regard, using multi-stage random sampling method, a sample of 372 students was selected from the students of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. Participants completed the Beck Suicide Ideation Scale (BSI), the Connor & Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RIS), the Stress Coping Questionnaire, and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-13). Structural equation modeling method was used to analyze the data. The results showed that there is a significant negative relationship between resilience and problem-oriented coping strategy with depression, but there is a significant positive relationship between emotion-oriented coping strategy and depression. The most important finding is that depression acts as a mediator in the relationship between resilience and problem-oriented and emotion-oriented coping strategies with suicidal ideation (p < 0.001). Based on the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that resilience, problem-oriented and emotion-oriented coping strategies and depression are the main factors influencing suicidal ideation and can predict suicidal ideation.
Hoda Purrezaian; Mohammad Ali Besharat; Leili Koochakzadeh; Hojjatollah Farahani
The consequences of cancer do not just impact on the body only, but expands into the other levels of human existence, including psychological levels. Sometimes these consequences are even more painful and more destructive than physical harms, especially in children. Therefore, the use of psychotherapy ...
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The consequences of cancer do not just impact on the body only, but expands into the other levels of human existence, including psychological levels. Sometimes these consequences are even more painful and more destructive than physical harms, especially in children. Therefore, the use of psychotherapy for children, particularly art-based psychotherapies, is necessary. So, the main objective of the present research was to develop a new family-based art therapy for hospitalized children with cancer and to evaluation its effectiveness on the symptoms of depression (DEP) and pain anxiety (PA). Five hospitalized children with cancer, participated in this single-subject study (A-B type) accompanied with their mothers. The intervention was applied in eight sessions (30-60 minutes per session). Children’s depression and pain anxiety were measured repeatedly in two phases and data were analyzed by graphs and tables. The effect size (ES) and reliable change index (RCI) are also reported in addition to the customary values. The results showed that family-based art therapy was significantly effective in reducing the symptoms of depression and pain anxiety in all of the children. The findings indicate the effectiveness of family-based art therapy in helping to modify the psychological consequences of cancer, and clarify the need for this approach to be applied in similar conditions.
Somayeh Azizi; Kazem Rasool Zade Tabatabaie; Masoud Janbozorgi
Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders so choosing an appropriate therapy is very important. Regarding to the role of spirituality in depression and its therapeutic methods, this research attempts to compare the role of the level of Psycho-spiritual development of individuals in the ...
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Depression is one of the most common psychiatric disorders so choosing an appropriate therapy is very important. Regarding to the role of spirituality in depression and its therapeutic methods, this research attempts to compare the role of the level of Psycho-spiritual development of individuals in the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy. For this purpose, among the students of Tarbiat Modares University, 8 subjects with basic depression were selected using available sampling method, and then based on their scores in Psycho-Spiritual Scale (Janbozorgi, 1391), they were divided into two groups of 4 with high Psycho-spiritual development and 4 with low Psycho-spiritual development. Then subjects of each level of Psycho-spiritual development were randomly assigned to two experimental groups (acceptance and commitment therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy). Depression scores of patients before, during and after treatment, as well as follow up, were compared with the percentage of recovery and the effect size. The results showed that both treatments, acceptance and commitment and cognitive-behavioral therapy, were effective on decreasing depression, but acceptance and commitment therapy was more effective in decreasing the depression of individuals with low Psycho-spiritual development, and cognitive-behavioral therapy was more effective in Reducing people's depression with higher levels of Psycho-spiritual development. Therefore, it seems that paying attention to the level of Psycho-spiritual development of clients in choosing a therapeutic approach is of great importance.
Mosayeb yarmohammadi vasel; yasaman savari; mohammad rasekh mahand
Cognitive models of depression propose that negative schemas and Early Maladaptive Schema contribute to depressive symptoms. The purpose of this study is to identify the early maladaptive Schema of patients with depression disorder. The method of study is descriptive. Research Statistics involves all ...
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Cognitive models of depression propose that negative schemas and Early Maladaptive Schema contribute to depressive symptoms. The purpose of this study is to identify the early maladaptive Schema of patients with depression disorder. The method of study is descriptive. Research Statistics involves all patients with depression disorder who have come to the counseling centers of Tehran and Hamadan. The method of Sample choosing is stratified sampling. This study conducted among 120 patients with depression disorder. Instruments in this study were included Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and Short Form of Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ). The analysis of the results showed high correlation between early maladaptive Schema and symptoms of depression disorder (P < 0.05). Regression analysis showed that early maladaptive schema of social isolation/alienation, enmeshment/undeveloped self and emotional inhibition were independent predictors of depression disorder. The results of the present study indicates that identifying Schema of depression in patients can help them understand the predisposing factors their problem.
morteza rouzbahani; parisa sharifi
The purpose of this study was to comparison of the severity of depression symptoms and the speed of information processing among patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and normal adolescents. The research design was causal-comparative. The research population consisted of normal adolescents and ...
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The purpose of this study was to comparison of the severity of depression symptoms and the speed of information processing among patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and normal adolescents. The research design was causal-comparative. The research population consisted of normal adolescents and adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder in the city of Karaj in the winter of 2018. The sample consisted of 52 participants (26 patients with post-traumatic stress disorder and 26 normal people) which were selected by Convenience method, and matched according to age and gender. Data were collected from child depression inventory (CDI) and WISC-IV Test. Data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The findings showed that in comparison with normal people, patients with post-traumatic stress disorder show a higher level of negative mood, higher self-esteem and inefficiency, and lower processing speed. However, there was no difference between the two groups in terms of lack of pleasure and Relationship problems. Therefore, it can be concluded that in comparison with normal adolescents, adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder are more prone to experiencing mood symptoms and cognitive problems such as weaknesses in information processing. As a result, attention to these issues is essential in the treatment of people with posttraumatic stress disorder.
Ali Akbar Haddadi Kuhsar; alireza moradi; Bagher Ghobari Bonab; Farnad Imani
Volume 9, Issue 31 , June 2018, , Pages 1-30
The main aim of the current study was to compare the effectiveness of spiritual therapy based on Iranian culture with mindfulness based on reduction stress (MBSR) in reducing depression, anxiety and stress in patients with chronic pain. All subjects who are suffer from Muscular-Skeletal ...
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The main aim of the current study was to compare the effectiveness of spiritual therapy based on Iranian culture with mindfulness based on reduction stress (MBSR) in reducing depression, anxiety and stress in patients with chronic pain. All subjects who are suffer from Muscular-Skeletal disease were recruited from Hazrat-e-Rassoul Hospital, (Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran). Design of the study was quasi experimental pretest-posttest-control group design with follow-up stage. 45 patients randomly were assigned in three groups: Spiritual therapy, mindfulness therapy and control group. Each group constituted of intervention comprised of eight 90-minutes-sessions. Demographic information’s and depression, anxiety and stress scale were used to gather data. Data were analyzed with analysis of variance with repeated measurement. Analysis of data revealed that spiritual therapy and mindfulness therapy were not significantly different in reduction depression, anxiety and stress in patients with chronic pain (These treatment were equally effective). More ever, comparing pairs in groups revealed that depression, anxiety and stress were different in treatment and follow up stages. Both spiritual therapy and mindfulness therapy were different from the control group. Spiritual therapy and mindfulness therapy were lower in depression, anxiety and stress in compare to control group. In other word effectiveness of spiritual therapy and mindfulness therapy were more than control group in patients with chronic pain. Results showed that spiritual therapy and mindfulness therapy were effective in reduction of depression, anxiety and stress in patients with chronic pain.
Saeid Aslani; Mahdi Khanjani
Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) are periods of distress with sensory, psychomotor and behavioral symptoms that resemble epileptic seizures but electrophysiological correlated variations of these attacks are not commensurate to epilepsy. This disorder has a significant impact on daily-life activities ...
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Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES) are periods of distress with sensory, psychomotor and behavioral symptoms that resemble epileptic seizures but electrophysiological correlated variations of these attacks are not commensurate to epilepsy. This disorder has a significant impact on daily-life activities and leads to poor quality of life. This study aimed to examine efficacy of intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy (ISTDP) on improvement of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures. This study was an empirical case study with AB design. Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures were confirmed in subjects using QEEG and assessments of a neurologist and a psychiatrist. Beck depression inventory (BDI) was filled out by the subjects before and after the interventions. Eight Psychotherapy sessions with ISTDP approach were individually held once a week. Outcomes indicated that PNES disappeared. Furthermore, post-test BDI scores were significantly lower comparing to pre-test scores. Outcomes suggest that intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy is an appropriate approach to reduce psychogenic non-epileptic seizures and it's applicable by therapists in clinical settings.
abolfazl karami; Roghayeh Omrani; Navid Danaei
Postpartum anxiety and depression are harmful conditions that negatively affects not only mothers but also their infants. Therefore, this study aimed to determine and compare the effectiveness of psychological treatments in reducing the above-mentioned problems in mothers at risk. This is a randomized ...
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Postpartum anxiety and depression are harmful conditions that negatively affects not only mothers but also their infants. Therefore, this study aimed to determine and compare the effectiveness of psychological treatments in reducing the above-mentioned problems in mothers at risk. This is a randomized clinical trial with control group. After assessing 75 mothers who were admitted to infants' care unit, 45 mothers who had anxiety and depression levels above the cut-off point and conditions of participation in the design were identified and then randomly divided into three groups of 15, two intervention groups And a control group. For the first intervention group, the CBT program and the intervention group of the ACT program were administered in 8 sessions and the control group received the usual training. To determine the effect of the intervention program, a pre-test and post-test were conducted using the Zung anxiety test and Edinburgh post-partum depression test. The scores of intervention groups were significantly different in the post-test group compared to the control group in the anxiety and depression scale. The rate of depression and anxiety decreased after intervention, and the size of this decrease was higher in the ACT group. ACT treatment has a greater effect on the anxiety and depression of mothers than CBT treatment. According to the results, the use of the ACT approach and the need for nurses and doctors to cooperate with psychologists to intervene is necessary.
Ali Nikbakht; Hamid taher Neshat doost; Hosseinali Mehrabi
Depressed people tend to process or recall negative information easier than positive or neutral information. A recent method that promises modifying the intrusive memories is cognitive bias modification (CBM). The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of four weeks training of interpretation ...
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Depressed people tend to process or recall negative information easier than positive or neutral information. A recent method that promises modifying the intrusive memories is cognitive bias modification (CBM). The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of four weeks training of interpretation (CBM-I) and CBM-I based on self-generation among the students with depressive symptoms and to compare them with computerized cognitive behavior training. The present study is a quasi-experimental research with three groups including pre-test, post-test and follow-up. Fifty one students were randomly assigned into groups of standardized CBM-I, self-generation, and computerized cognitive behaviour training. Instruments included a questionnaires related to the mood, interpretation bias, memory bias and dysfunctional attitudes. Standardized CBM-I, self-generation, and computerized cognitive-behaviour training significantly showed reduced symptoms of depression, enhanced mood, increased positive interpretation bias, increased positive memory bias and reduced negative memory bias. In none of the variables no significant difference was observed between the interventions. Only for positive memory bias, self-generation method was significantly superior to cognitive-behaviour therapy—but not to standardized CBM-I.
Inchenaz Asaszadeh; Majid Mahmoudalilou
Breast cancer, being the most common type of cancer among women, causes anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and anger. Metacognitive therapy is a new approach that puts emphasis on reducing useless cognitive processes instead of the cognitive content of thoughts and also on facilitating metacognitive ...
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Breast cancer, being the most common type of cancer among women, causes anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and anger. Metacognitive therapy is a new approach that puts emphasis on reducing useless cognitive processes instead of the cognitive content of thoughts and also on facilitating metacognitive processing. Based on the single-case experimental research, the study intended to examine the effectiveness of metacognitive therapy on depression and hope-to-life in women with breast cancer. The study drew on a multiple-baseline design in which three individuals from Women’s Breast Cancer Association in Tabriz received the intended 8-session treatment. The instruments used for data gathering were Beck Depression Inventory (BDI –II) and Life Expectancy scale. Results show that the highest percentage of improvement was related to physical and emotional symptoms of depression and also to the life expectancy, which was 75% and the lowest percentage was 50%. Concerning the cognitive symptoms of depression, the highest percentage of improvement was 100% and the lowest was 50%. Findings also suggest that the effectiveness of the metacognitive therapy for the three participants was consistent at the follow-up testing. Therefore, it is suggested that metacognitive therapy be used for reducing depression and increasing life expectancy in women with breast cancer.
Abbas Rahiminezhad; Amir Mahmoud Hushmand Chatroidi; Javad Ejei
Since Frankl (1985) has introduced the role of meaning in life in mental health, some psychologists tried to operationalize this concept and study in this field (Crumbaugh and Maholic, 1964; Batista & Almond, 1973; Steger et al., 2006). By development of new instrument in the domain of life's meaning ...
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Since Frankl (1985) has introduced the role of meaning in life in mental health, some psychologists tried to operationalize this concept and study in this field (Crumbaugh and Maholic, 1964; Batista & Almond, 1973; Steger et al., 2006). By development of new instrument in the domain of life's meaning by Schnell (2009), the wider investigation of mental health and meaning in life has been provided. The present study aims at determining the relationship between four sources of life including life meaningfulness, the crisis of life's significance, spirituality, and religiosity and indices of mental health. Therefore, a sample comprising 126 participants (53= female; 73= male) among the students of University of Tehran carried out the questionnaire for investigating the sources of life's meaning (SoMe) and a brief form for the scale of depression, anxiety, and stress (DASS-21). The results were analyzed by Pearson Correlation. Among the variables of life's meaning, the crisis of life's meaning showed the highest positive correlation with depression (r = 0.62, p ˂ 0.01) and stress (r = 0.39, p ˂ 0.01). Also, the life meaningfulness showed the highest negative relationship with depression (r = -0.52, p ˂ 0.01) and stress (r = - 0.34, p ˂ 0.01). In conclusion, considering the meaning of life as an important associate of mental health seems essential in order to decrease the depression and stress, and improving the general health of society.
Mahdi Khanjani
The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of positive psychotherapy on decreasing the students' stress, anxiety, depression and increasing their well-being. In this study, an experimental research method was adopted using a pretest-posttest control group design. A total of 34 undergraduate ...
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The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of positive psychotherapy on decreasing the students' stress, anxiety, depression and increasing their well-being. In this study, an experimental research method was adopted using a pretest-posttest control group design. A total of 34 undergraduate students were sampled out of 1200 students in academic year 2013-2014 University of Shahid Beheshti. Using convenience sampling, the participants were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups. The instruments employed in the study included Depression/ Anxiety and Stress Scale Lovibond (1995) and positive psychotherapy inventory (Rashid & Seligman, 2013). The positive psychotherapy was trained to the experimental group on a weekly basis during six two-hour sessions. The results of covariance indicated that positive psychotherapy was effective in decreasing stress, anxiety, depression and increasing the students' well-being and that their permanence was observed two months after the experiment. Because the early period of the students' life is stressful, and as the results represented, positive psychotherapy can be beneficial for students as an effective way to strengthen the psychological resources and mental health.
samaneh Ghoshchian Chobmasjedi; Shahrokh Makvan Hosseini; Mahmoud Najafi; Imanollah Bigdeli
The main goal of the current research was to investigate effectiveness of the individual and family psycho-education of the bipolar1 patients in the prevention of the likely recurrence of depression and maniac episodes, compared to an isolated psychiatric treatment. After checking the inclusion–exclusion ...
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The main goal of the current research was to investigate effectiveness of the individual and family psycho-education of the bipolar1 patients in the prevention of the likely recurrence of depression and maniac episodes, compared to an isolated psychiatric treatment. After checking the inclusion–exclusion criteria, a total sample of 66 bipolar1 disordered patients were selected by purposeful sampling method and divided randomly into 3 groups. Depression and maniac symptoms were measured using the HAM-D and the YMRS instruments. Subjects of the all groups filled two scales in the pretest, posttest and follow up stages. Data were extracted from scales and analyzed by MANCOVA statistical analysis. Significantly differences were found between research groups in depression and mania scores. The depression and mania mean scores of the family psycho-education and individual psycho-education groups were significantly lower than control group in the posttest stage, whereas in the follow-up stage the therapeutic effects was only stable in the family psycho-education regarding maniac symptoms. No other significant effect was evident. It could be concluded that an individual psycho-education intervention could reduce the mania and depression symptoms in the BPD 1 patient under medication in short-term and not in the long-term. In contrast, the family psycho-education could reduce both depressive and maniac symptoms in the short-term and the therapeutic effects was stable in mania symptoms during time. In summary, the complementary family psycho-education can effectively prevent the recurrence of the likely mania episodes of the bipolar 1 patients under psychiatric treatment and is recommended for them.
Mona Shivarani; Parviz Azadfallah; Alireza Moradi; Hosein Eskandari
PTSD and depression are most prevalent disorders in traumatic events. This research studies reducing symptoms of PTSD and comorbid depression through narrative exposure therapy (NET). NET incorporated many of exposure elements with additional focus of clearly documenting the atrocities endured. 24 betrayed ...
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PTSD and depression are most prevalent disorders in traumatic events. This research studies reducing symptoms of PTSD and comorbid depression through narrative exposure therapy (NET). NET incorporated many of exposure elements with additional focus of clearly documenting the atrocities endured. 24 betrayed women with PTSD and depression were randomized in experiment and control groups. Participants were clinically interviewed and filled out impact of event scale-revised (IES-R) and Beck Depression inventory (BDI) for three times; once before and once after 8 sessions of experiment group’s therapy. Third time was three months after therapy. Data were analyzed using repeated measures variances analysis. PTSD and its two parameters (intrusion & hyperarousal) significantly reduce in experiment group, immediately after therapy and in three months follow up. Depression also reduces significantly immediately after therapy and continues to reduce three months after therapy. According to this study, NET is beneficial therapy for PTSD even in social fields. NET successfulness in Iranian culture is ascribed to narrative aspect of NET. This study endorses that extra-marital relationship causes PTSD in victims.
Seyed Esmaeil Hatami; Mahdi Rezaei; Seyed kaveh Hojjat; Elahe Einbeigi; Hadiseh Monadi Ziarat
Meta-cognitive therapy is an emerging treatment of supposedly effective component of psychopathology that reduces rumination. The present study is an attempt to consider effectiveness of this therapy to improve suicidal ideation at depressive patient.This research performed as quasi-experimental pretest-posttest ...
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Meta-cognitive therapy is an emerging treatment of supposedly effective component of psychopathology that reduces rumination. The present study is an attempt to consider effectiveness of this therapy to improve suicidal ideation at depressive patient.This research performed as quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. Among patients with depression referred to a psychiatric clinic in Tabriz, 30 patients were randomly divided into 2 groups: intervention and control. Data collected with Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. We used pair T-test for comparing mean scale in two groups. Significant level in this study was 0.05.Mean score of beck scale in pretest and post-test were 18.8±3.8 and 18.4±2.5 in control group and 18.5±4.4 and 14.7±2.2 in experimental group.The results showed that meta-cognitive therapy has a significant impact onimproving suicidal ideation at depressive patient (p=0.0001).The results show that meta-cognitive therapy focusing on rumination can be effective on treating suicidal ideation at depressive patient.
Alimohammad Rezaei; Faeze Jahan
Volume 6, Issue 19 , June 2015, , Pages 1-18
This study deals with the direct role of perfectionism components in depression and their indirect mediating role in depression. To this end, 200 students at Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamedan were selected using the stratified random sampling method and responded to the research instruments, including ...
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This study deals with the direct role of perfectionism components in depression and their indirect mediating role in depression. To this end, 200 students at Bu-Ali Sina University in Hamedan were selected using the stratified random sampling method and responded to the research instruments, including perfectionism scale, self-criticism scale, and Beck's Depression Inventory. Pearson correlation and path analysis were applied in data collection. Results of the former indicated that there is a significant relation between the components of perfectionism and self-criticism and depression. In addition, there was a significant relation between self-criticism and depression. Path analysis results suggest that beta coefficient of other oriented perfectionism path to depression and community oriented perfectionism path to self-criticism is not significant, while the other path coefficients were significant. Good fit of model indices also demonstrated that the model has a good fit vis-à-vis the model. Overall, the results showed that perfectionism and self-criticism account for 59% of the variance of depression, and self-oriented perfectionism and other-oriented perfectionism account for 33% of the variance of self-criticism. Overall, one could draw the conclusion from the collected information that the subjects' depression could remarkably be controlled through reformed self-criticism and components of perfectionism.
Ahmad Abedi; Hamidreza Arizi; Maryam Sharifi
Volume 6, Issue 19 , June 2015, , Pages 35-61
In the late decades, specialists have investigated the impact of multiple psychological interventions on treatment of depression disorder. In order to save budget and time, many of such interventions have been provided in groups, reporting significant changes in the experiment groups vis-à-vis ...
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In the late decades, specialists have investigated the impact of multiple psychological interventions on treatment of depression disorder. In order to save budget and time, many of such interventions have been provided in groups, reporting significant changes in the experiment groups vis-à-vis the control groups. Even so, the precise degree of their effect is unknown. This study aims to gather and integrate the results originating from group psychological interventions in treating depression and computing the level of their effect using a meta-analysis. To this end, 41 methodologically acceptable studies were selected and underwent a meta-analysis. The research instrument includes a meta-analysis checklist. The findings suggest that the level of impact of group psychological interventions on improved depression is 0.59 (p<0.001), which was put at 0.42 (p<0.01) in the age-range of children and adolescents, 0.64 (p<0.001) among the adults, and 0.50 (p<0.001) among the elderly. Moreover, the results of moderation analysis suggested the influence of moderating variables in such interventions. According to this meta-analysis, the degree of impact of group psychological interventions on treating depression is high as indicated by Cohen's chart. This level of effect was high among adults and the elderly, while mediocre among children and adolescents. Furthermore, the impact of moderating variables was more in the child and adolescents group than adults and the elderly
Mahdieh Tarsafi; Seyed Mohammad Kalantar Kousheh; David Lester
Volume 6, Issue 19 , June 2015, , Pages 81-98
Social rank theory is a theory of depression and suicidal behavior based on animal models of defeat and entrapment which, in animals result in depressive-type behavior. Gilbert and Allan (1998) have devised a scale to measure defeat. This goal of the present study was to explore the validity and reliability ...
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Social rank theory is a theory of depression and suicidal behavior based on animal models of defeat and entrapment which, in animals result in depressive-type behavior. Gilbert and Allan (1998) have devised a scale to measure defeat. This goal of the present study was to explore the validity and reliability of the Defeat Scale with students of Allameh Tabataba'i University. A sample of 306 (102 male and 204 female) students was selected using simple random sampling. An exploratory factor analysis with varimax rotation was employed. Beck’s hopelessness and depression scales were used to examine convergent validity. Even though the original scale of the questionnaire was published without subscales, the results of the present research identified three subscales labeled inactivity, loser and satisfaction. Together, these three factors explained 63% of the variance of the matrix of item-correlations. The internal consistency using Cronbach’s alpha was 0.91 overall, 0.91 in females, and 0.92 in males. There were significant correlations between Beck’s hopelessness and depression scale scores with scores on the defeat and with the three factor scores. The Defeat Scale has good reliability and validity in Persian culture.
Elham Abniki; Abbas Abolghasemi; Masoumeh Abbasi; Roghieh Moazzez; Razieh Jalali
Volume 6, Issue 19 , June 2015, , Pages 99-118
This study sets out to investigate the impact of group cognitive-behavioral intervention in stress management on improved hardiness and self-control in depressed women. It was carried out by means of experimental method inclusive of pretest and posttest with a control group. The statistical population ...
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This study sets out to investigate the impact of group cognitive-behavioral intervention in stress management on improved hardiness and self-control in depressed women. It was carried out by means of experimental method inclusive of pretest and posttest with a control group. The statistical population comprises all female married patients visiting the Psychiatry Clinic in Tehran in 2013. The research sample is composed of 30 depressed patients who were selected from among the patients and divided into two experiment and control groups. For the purpose of data collection, the hardiness scale, self-control scale, perceived stress scale, and depression inventory were employed. Results of the multivariate variance analysis suggested that group cognitive-behavioral intervention in stress management positively affects improved hardiness and self-control (P<0.001). According to the research findings, group cognitive-behavioral intervention in stress management proves to be an effective method for improving and increasing depressed women's hardiness and self-control.
Ehsan Zareian; Forough Rahmati
Volume 5, Issue 17 , December 2014, , Pages 1-18
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise on the, anxiety, depression and life quality in women with breast cancer. Research community were the women who were involved in psychology class in breast cancer Community of Mashhad in 1392 summer, 24 subject were selected ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of aerobic exercise on the, anxiety, depression and life quality in women with breast cancer. Research community were the women who were involved in psychology class in breast cancer Community of Mashhad in 1392 summer, 24 subject were selected randomly (N=24;Age = 45 ± 15) among them. To assess the anxiety, depression and life quality, the ANQ, BDI (Beck depression Inventory) and life quality questionnaire for women with cancer was used. Quasi-experimental method with pre- test and post- test design with a control group was used for this research. Results showed that 8 weeks aerobic exercise could decrease anxiety and depression and increase life quality in women with breast cancer (P≤0.001). Finally, we can conclude the nature of aerobic exercise can reducing anxiety and depression and increase life quality in patients with breast cancer.
Mohammad Khaledian; Faramarz Sohrabi
Volume 5, Issue 15 , June 2014, , Pages 79-104
AbstractThe aim of the study was to examine effectiveness of group logotherapy on reducing depression and increasing hope in elderly with empty nest syndrome living in city of Ghorveh. The study employed a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest and a control group. The statistical population ...
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AbstractThe aim of the study was to examine effectiveness of group logotherapy on reducing depression and increasing hope in elderly with empty nest syndrome living in city of Ghorveh. The study employed a quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest and a control group. The statistical population included all men and women living in Ghorveh whose children had left them. The sample group consisted of 24 individuals who were selected using convenient sampling. Data were collected using the 21-item Beck Depression Inventory (BDI II) and Snyder’s Adult Hope Scale (AHS). The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (covariance analysis). The results showed that the average posttest depression score was significantly lower in the experimental group than the control group, and that the average posttest hope score was significantly higher in the experimental group. The findings suggest that group logotherapy has positive effects in reducing depression and increasing hope in elderly with empty nest syndrome
Reza Pourhossein; Farzad Farhoudi; Mohsen Amiri; Mahmoud Janbozorgi; Akram Reza’i Bidakhvidi; Fatemeh Nourollahi
Volume 5, Issue 14 , March 2014, , Pages 21-40
The present study aimed to examine the relationship of suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, resilience, daily stress and mental health in university students. The study group consisted of 265 University of Tehran students. Subjects were asked to complete Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety ...
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The present study aimed to examine the relationship of suicidal thoughts, depression, anxiety, resilience, daily stress and mental health in university students. The study group consisted of 265 University of Tehran students. Subjects were asked to complete Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation (BSI), Mental Health Scale, Daily Stress Scale and Resilience Scale. The data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and stepwise regression. Based on the results, a significant negative correlation existed between suicidal thoughts and resilience and self-esteem. Also, variables related to anxiety, depression, mental health and daily stress had a positive correlation with suicidal thoughts. The regression analysis indicated that depression was the strongest factor in predicting suicidal thoughts, and that anxiety, mental health, resilience and daily stress stood next in the line. The variables had a total 21 percent influence on the variance of suicidal thoughts. The study suggests that psychological and mental health problems, including anxiety and depression, along with other factors such as resilience and daily stress are important variables in recognizing and predicting suicidal thoughts Since symptoms of recurrent PTSD are sustaining and their emergence, growth and sustainability are to a large extent influenced by personal variables, and since these factors are connected to pretrauma maladaptive relationships which contribute to emergence of maladaptive schemas, the schema therapy targeted roots of the disorder and re-created maladaptive schemas, and it was thus successful in curing symptoms of recurrent trauma.