nahid hosseinabad; mahmoud najafi; alimohammad rezaee
Aim: the aim of research was study of positive youth development program effect on psychological wellbeing factors (Self-acceptance, Personal growth, Purpose in life, Environmental mastery, Autonomy, Positive relations with others). Materials and method: method of research was experimental design of ...
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Aim: the aim of research was study of positive youth development program effect on psychological wellbeing factors (Self-acceptance, Personal growth, Purpose in life, Environmental mastery, Autonomy, Positive relations with others). Materials and method: method of research was experimental design of pre-test, post-test and follow-up with control group. Research society was girl students in ninth grade in governmental high schools of Arak city in 2017- 2018 academic year that 60 students were selected through random multi stage sampling were random in all stages and set in experimental group (30 student) and control group (30 student) in random method. Finally expelled 7 students from experimental group and 5 students from control group as for research inclusion and exclusion criteria. Research instrument was Ryff Scales of Psychological Well-Being (18 questions version). Experimental group participated in positive youth development program in 24 one- hour sessions. Then was performed post- test and after 2 months follow- up for both group. Multivariate analysis of covariance was used for data analysis. Results: Findings of research indicated positive youth program increase psychological wellbeing factors (Self-acceptance, Personal growth, Purpose in life, Environmental mastery, Autonomy, Positive relations with others). These findings were stable after 2 months. Conclusion: positive youth development program can appropriate practical plan for enhance of psychological wellbeing factors and concluded to their positive mental health. Keywords: positive youth development program, positive psychology, psychological wellbeing, psychological wellbeing factors, adolescents.
Mahboubeh Bagheri; karineh tahmassian; Mohammad Ali Mazaheri
Mindful Parenting is a new application of mindfulness which aims to improve parenting through promoting the quality of parental attention and emotional awareness. Parent Management Training also focuses on the quality of parent-child relationship and involves learning new skills in order to modify children's ...
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Mindful Parenting is a new application of mindfulness which aims to improve parenting through promoting the quality of parental attention and emotional awareness. Parent Management Training also focuses on the quality of parent-child relationship and involves learning new skills in order to modify children's behavior. This study aimed to compare the efficacy of mindful parenting and parent management training integrative program and parent management training program on psychological wellbeing and happiness of children. The research method was experimental including pretest-posttest with a control group design. The study population included all children in fourth to sixth grade in District 8 of Qom city in 96-95 school year, accompanied by their mothers. The sample included 41 children from fourth to sixth grade accompanied by their mothers that were selected by convenient sampling and assigned in experimental and control groups by random sampling. Research tools used on mothers included the mindful parenting and parent management training integrative program, 4-item happiness questionnaire and interpersonal mindfulness in parenting. Circular Mood and psychological wellbeing scale were the tools that were used on children. Participants completed the research tools in three phases of pretest, posttest and follow up. One group received mindful parenting and parent management training integrative program, while another group received only parent management training in 8 sessions, each 2 hours per week at a meeting. Mixed analysis of variance showed that the integrative program was more effective than parent management training in psychological wellbeing (F=7/57/ P<0/01) and these changes remained constant in follow up phase. There were no any differences between the two groups in happiness. Higher efficacy of integrative program in psychological wellbeing can be dependent upon application of mindful parenting principals. It seems that mindful parenting causes enrichment in parent- child relationship and consequently increases psychological well-being in children through mechanisms such as listening with full attention, accepting without judgment, compassion, self-regulation and emotional consciousness.