Document Type : Research Paper



The relationship between countertransference and self-regulation process in Iranian psychotherapists

Psychotherapy literature has always emphasized on the significance of self-knowledge, managing countertransference, and its application in all psychological situations. The goal of this article is to investigate the relationship between self-regulation processes and countertransference. 180 psychotherapists that have worked in Tehran voluntarily participated in this research and they completed the questionnaires. In order to investigate self-regulation three scales were used; Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), Integrative Self-Knowledge Scale (ISK), and Brief Self-Control Scale (BSC). Countertransference inventory (CI) was used to measure countertransference. Resulted data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and stepwise regression. Results revealed that integrative self-knowledge and self-control were negatively correlated with countertransference and self-knowledge moderates the relationship between self-control and countertransference. These results emphasize the importance of expanding conscious capacities and mindful control mechanisms in process of psychotherapy and other psychological interventions.
Keywords: Countertransference, Self-regulation processes, Mindfulness, Integrative Self-Knowledge, Self-control


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