Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch, Esfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Amin Fooladshahr University, Esfahan, Iran


Major depressive disorder is one of the most common mental disorders that imposes considerable emotional, social and economic burden on the individual and society. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of compassion-focused therapy on negative spontaneous thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes of patients with major depression. The method of the present study is a single case experimental design of multiple baseline types. The statistical population of this study consisted of all patients with major depressive disorder who referred to Hedayat Amin Lantern Counseling Center1998-99 who had an active record
. From this statistical population according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study, four patients with major depression with Available sampling methods were selected and participated in 3 baseline sessions, 8 sessions of compassion-focused treatment and 3 follow-up sessions. The research instruments are the Holon and Kendall (1980) Negative Spontaneous Thoughts Questionnaire and the dysfunctional attitudes of Wiseman and Beck (1979). Data are analyzed using visual analysis, trend stability change and overlap percentage (PND). According to the statistical results obtained for both variables of negative self-thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes, reduction of mean and mean scores in the intervention stage compared to baseline, 100% PND between treatment position and baseline for all 4 subjects and reduction of PND between The position of intervention and follow-up indicated that CFT was effective on negative spontaneous thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes of patients with major depression, but these results significantly reduced the effect of treatment in the intervention phase compared to the baseline and reduced the effect of treatment in the follow-up phase compared to the phase. Demonstrated intervention.


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استناد به این مقاله: علیجانی، فرزانه.، رنجبر، زهره. (1401). اثربخشی درمان متمرکز بر شفقت بر افکار خود آیند منفی و نگرش‌های ناکارآمد بیماران مبتلابه افسردگی اساسی (یک مطالعه موردی)،  مطالعات روان شناسی بالینی، 12(47)، 1-36.
DOI: 10.22054/jcps.2022.64972.2674
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