Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Urmia University

2 teacher

3 nothing

4 Professor of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Literature, Urmia University


The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of cognitive hope enhancing training and social skills training on reducing female high school students’ fear of negative evaluation and safe behavior. This semi-experimental study employed pretest- posttest design with control group. For data collection Leary social phobia safety Behavior scale (SPSBS) and Pinto-Gouveia Salvador Brief fear of Negative Evaluation scale (BFNE) were used. The data were evaluated on the basis of scores located above the cut-off point. then Participants were randomly assigned into three groups (i.e., 15 students received trainings on cognitive hope enhancing, 15 students received trainings on social skills, and 15 students were considered a control group).The experimental groups received cognitive hope enhancing training and social skill training for eight 90-minute sessions hold once a week; while the control group did not receive any training. result Univariate analysis of covariance demonstrated that cognitive hope enhancing training and cognitive social skill training was effective on reducing students’ fear of negative evaluation and safe behavior .However, there was no significant difference between the two kind of training methods. According to the findings of the present piece of research work, it is suggested that the cognitive hope enhancing training and social skills training be offered as in-service trainings of schools counselors.


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