Document Type : Research Paper



Dream as divine gift always has been regarded by scholars and trying to make meaning and exploring its dimensions still continues. The aim of this study construct and determine of the factor structure and reliability content analysis of manifest dream questionnaire in students of Arak university (MDQ.AU) in the year of 2013. For this purpose, first were analyzed contents of 5688 reported students dreams, 73 items 5-choice with Likert scoring method and an open-ended questions was designed. Face and content validity of the items and components of the proposed amendment was reviewed by experts. Questionnaire with a stratified random sampling proportional to size was carried out on 1084 students of Arak university. Validity of the questionnaire using factor analysis with rotational varimax method was explored. It is based on 10 factors were extracted in two steps. These factors, accordng to the theoretical research and content questions located on factors and experts consider , dream''s subtitle with content of nature, nightmare, relationship, religious, animals, disease and death, Physiological needs, flashbacks, manifest dreams and future- problem solving was named. Also the reliability of the questionnaire by the method of internal consistency using Cronbach''s alpha coefficient was calculated. Based on the results, Alpha coefficients of ten factors was satisfactory. The smallest alpha coefficients belonging to the ninth factor (lucid dream) and the tenth factor (future - problem Solving) equal to 0.601, each with 3 items, and the biggest alpha coefficients belonging to the first factor (nature) equal to 0.871 and with 11 items .Reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 0.94 that is appropriate. The final questionnaire with 70 closed-response items and one open-response items will be accepted. According to the results of this research, MDQ.AU questionnaire has necessary conditions for use of content analysis of students'' manifest dreams.


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