Document Type : Research Paper


1 . Counselor, Counseling Center of Office of Education of Sarvabad

2 Counselor, Counseling Center of Office of Education of Sarvabad

3 . Counselor, Office of Education of Shahriar; e-mail:

4 Counselor, Sa'i Social Work Center of Amlash


Hermeneutics is the art of the interpretation and understanding of discourses like language and text. This study seeks to develop a methodological model for the researches on humanities and particularly psychotherapy and counseling which would in turn provide a hermeneutic model for therapeutic modeling on the basis of tradition and local resources. It aims at developing a new methodology for modeling which is inspired by the hermeneutic theory and the views held by Gadamer and Heidegger. It is based on two basic concepts; the merger of horizons and hermeneutic circle. The merger of horizons is demonstrated to be the result of hermeneutic and dialogic circle and lead to understanding. Three horizons of agent, author and interpreter are recognized in the study. Tapping his /her background knowledge and horizon, the interpreter enters the understanding of the text or the experience of the participant as the horizon of author. Later, he/she enters various interpretations and approaches in order to enrich the understanding of the text. The researcher reaches the understanding of the text thorough the hermeneutic circle.


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