Abdollah Zadeh, Bayane
The role of psychological Inflexibility and Health bielifes, in psychological well-being of cardiovascular patients [Volume 14, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 1-28]
Aflakseir, Abdulaziz
Predicting of Marital Commitment Based on Couples' Conflict Resolution Styles, Self-Compassion and Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 1-36]
Aflakseir, Abdulaziz
Predicting suicidal thoughts based identity styles and self-acceptance in students [Volume 14, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 149-174]
Akbari Balootbangan, Afzal
Effectiveness of Victims' Assertiveness Training Program on Health Promoting Behaviors of Bullying Victim Adolescent [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 76-92]
Alimohamadi, Asgar
The Effectiveness of Family-Centered Pre-Language Intervention on Emotional-Social Skills of Children under Two Suffering from Communication Delay [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 179-202]
Asghari Ebrahimabad, Mohammad Javad
Effectiveness of Emotional Schema Group Therapy on Improving Dark Personality Traits, Flourishing and Cognitive Flexibility among Female Head of Households [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 1-18]
Azadfallah, Parviz
Psychometric Properties of Shopping Addiction Scale in Iranian Sample [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 41-75]
Bafghi, Elaheh
Compilation and Validation of Positive Affect Syste0m Training Protocol According to RDoC in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 162-193]
Bagheri Sheykhangafshe, Farzin
Psychometric Properties of Shopping Addiction Scale in Iranian Sample [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 41-75]
Biniaz, Alireza
Predicting suicidal thoughts based identity styles and self-acceptance in students [Volume 14, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 149-174]
Borjali, Mahmoud
The role of psychological Inflexibility and Health bielifes, in psychological well-being of cardiovascular patients [Volume 14, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 1-28]
Chitsaz, Ahmad
Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Package Therapy Based on Psychological Factors Associated with Parkinson's Disease and the Memory Specificity Training (MEST) on the Mood of these Patients [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 127-160]
Davarinejad, Omran
Investigating the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and obsessive-compulsive disorder: The mediating role of self-regulation [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 43-60]
Esazadegan, Ali
Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive Hope Enhancing Training and Social Skills Training on the Reduction Fear of Negative Evaluation and Safe Behavior in Girl Students [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 1-39]
Farahani, Hojjatollah
Psychometric Properties of Shopping Addiction Scale in Iranian Sample [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 41-75]
Farokhsiri, Yasna
The effectiveness of computer-based cognitive rehabilitation on improving cognitive impairment in adolescents with generalized anxiety disorder [Volume 14, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 61-90]
Fatehizade, Maryam
Developing a student’s resilience training model based on the lived experiences of resilient students: a qualitative study [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 77-116]
Ghadami, Abolfazl
Effectiveness of positive psychology group therapy on resilience and death anxiety among people with corona disease [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 93-106]
Ghanbari Hashemabadi, BahramAli
Effectiveness of Emotional Schema Group Therapy on Improving Dark Personality Traits, Flourishing and Cognitive Flexibility among Female Head of Households [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 1-18]
Goudarzi, Mohammad Ali
Predicting suicidal thoughts based identity styles and self-acceptance in students [Volume 14, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 149-174]
Hassani, Jafar
The role of psychological Inflexibility and Health bielifes, in psychological well-being of cardiovascular patients [Volume 14, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 1-28]
Hosseini, Farideh
The effectiveness of mindfulness on mental confusion and slow cognitive rhythm in adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 61-75]
Jazayeri, Rezvanosadat
Developing a student’s resilience training model based on the lived experiences of resilient students: a qualitative study [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 77-116]
Kamran, Leila
The effectiveness of mindfulness on mental confusion and slow cognitive rhythm in adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 61-75]
Karami, Jahangir
Investigating the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and obsessive-compulsive disorder: The mediating role of self-regulation [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 43-60]
Khaleghi Dehnavi, Farzaneh
Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Package Therapy Based on Psychological Factors Associated with Parkinson's Disease and the Memory Specificity Training (MEST) on the Mood of these Patients [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 127-160]
Khani, Zahra
Psychometric Properties of Shopping Addiction Scale in Iranian Sample [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 41-75]
Khodabakhsh Pirkalani, Roshanak
Compilation and Validation of Positive Affect Syste0m Training Protocol According to RDoC in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 162-193]
Mehrabi, Hosseinali
Imagery Rescripting for depression: Recent advances and future directions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 19-42]
Mohagheghi, Hossein
The effect of emotional couple therapy (EFT) on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused by domestic violence [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 118-146]
Mohammadifar, Mohammad Ali
The Effectiveness of Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills (PAIRS) on Love styles, Psychological Well-being, Emotional Abuse and Marital Stress in Married women [Volume 14, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 119-147]
Momeni, Khodamorad
Investigating the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and obsessive-compulsive disorder: The mediating role of self-regulation [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 43-60]
Moradi, Alireza
The role of psychological Inflexibility and Health bielifes, in psychological well-being of cardiovascular patients [Volume 14, Issue 51, 2024, Pages 1-28]
Neshat Doost, Hamid Taher
Comparison of the Effectiveness of the Package Therapy Based on Psychological Factors Associated with Parkinson's Disease and the Memory Specificity Training (MEST) on the Mood of these Patients [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 127-160]
Neshat Doost, Hamid Taher
Imagery Rescripting for depression: Recent advances and future directions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 19-42]
Nikkhoo, Fatemeh
The Effectiveness of Family-Centered Pre-Language Intervention on Emotional-Social Skills of Children under Two Suffering from Communication Delay [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 179-202]
Nouran, Motahare
The Relationship Between Parental Obsessive Beliefs and Social Anxiety in Children Through Emotion Regulation in Female students [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 37-68]
Peiravian, Farzad
Investigation on Community Distress Level During COVID-19 Pandemic for Data Driven Policy Making in Health Care Management [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 69-98]
Poursaeid Esfahani, Mehrnoosh
Imagery Rescripting for depression: Recent advances and future directions [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 19-42]
Radmehr, Farnaz
Investigating the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and obsessive-compulsive disorder: The mediating role of self-regulation [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 43-60]
Rahimian Boogar, Isaac
Effectiveness of Victims' Assertiveness Training Program on Health Promoting Behaviors of Bullying Victim Adolescent [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 76-92]
Rezaei, Ali Mohammad
Effectiveness of Victims' Assertiveness Training Program on Health Promoting Behaviors of Bullying Victim Adolescent [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 76-92]
Roshanaei, Mohammad Reza
The effect of emotional couple therapy (EFT) on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused by domestic violence [Volume 14, Issue 52, 2024, Pages 118-146]
Sistanipour, Nasrin
Effectiveness of Emotional Schema Group Therapy on Improving Dark Personality Traits, Flourishing and Cognitive Flexibility among Female Head of Households [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 1-18]
Taghavi, Mohammad Reza
Predicting of Marital Commitment Based on Couples' Conflict Resolution Styles, Self-Compassion and Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 1-36]
Talepasand, Siavash
Effectiveness of Victims' Assertiveness Training Program on Health Promoting Behaviors of Bullying Victim Adolescent [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 76-92]
Yousefi, Nazila
Investigation on Community Distress Level During COVID-19 Pandemic for Data Driven Policy Making in Health Care Management [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 69-98]
Yousefi, Saeed
Effectiveness of positive psychology group therapy on resilience and death anxiety among people with corona disease [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 93-106]
Zamanpour, Enayatollah
Effectiveness of positive psychology group therapy on resilience and death anxiety among people with corona disease [Volume 14, Issue 53, 2023, Pages 93-106]
Zandkarimi, Ghazal
Compilation and Validation of Positive Affect Syste0m Training Protocol According to RDoC in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 162-193]
Zare, Mina
Predicting of Marital Commitment Based on Couples' Conflict Resolution Styles, Self-Compassion and Satisfaction of Basic Psychological Needs [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 1-36]
Zarei, Jamileh
Investigation on Community Distress Level During COVID-19 Pandemic for Data Driven Policy Making in Health Care Management [Volume 14, Issue 50, 2023, Pages 69-98]