• Acceptance and commitment The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment-Based Psychotherapy on Treatment Motivation and Quit Self-efficacy in Addicts [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 1-23]

  • Aggression Comparison of Implicit and explicit associations of aggression and anxiety in adolescent boys with and without bullying behavior [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 166-193]

  • Anxiety Comparison of Implicit and explicit associations of aggression and anxiety in adolescent boys with and without bullying behavior [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 166-193]

  • Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder Comparison of the Effectiveness of Parenting Model Based on Executive Function Theory and Barkley’s Program on Executive Functions and Learning Behaviors of Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 73-107]

  • Autobiographical memory Autobiographical episodic memory-based training interventions in patients with major depression [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 34-76]


  • Barkley’s program Comparison of the Effectiveness of Parenting Model Based on Executive Function Theory and Barkley’s Program on Executive Functions and Learning Behaviors of Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 73-107]

  • Bulling Comparison of Implicit and explicit associations of aggression and anxiety in adolescent boys with and without bullying behavior [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 166-193]


  • Children parenting self-efficacy Burn injury The effect of emotional focused therapy on parental self-efficiency and feeling of guilt in mothers of children with burn injuries [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 109-136]

  • Cognitive Abilities The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program on the Mindfulness Skills and Cognitive Abilities of Blind and Visually Impaired Athletes [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 137-167]

  • Cognitive Behavioral Couple Therapy The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Couple Therapy on Components Social Well-being in Couples with Marital Conflict [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 113-137]

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Insulin Induced Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 145-165]

  • College students Prediction of Mental Disorders Based on Type D personality in College Students [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 25-44]

  • Compassion Focused Therapy Effect of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) on Attachment Styles of couples with Marital Conflict [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 1-22]

  • Coronavirus Comparison of Spirituality, Resilience and Self-Compassion in Students with and without COVID-19 Anxiety [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 140-163]

  • Coronavirus anxiety Designing and Developing a Model of relational and occupational Consequences of Covid19 pandemic anxiety with the Mediating Role of Self compassion in Nurses of Tehran Hospitals [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 2-32]

  • Couple Factors Qualitative Investigation of Individual-Couple Factors on the Creation and continuity of Work-Family Conflict in Married Nursing Women [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 77-115]

  • COVID-19 Anxiety Comparison of Spirituality, Resilience and Self-Compassion in Students with and without COVID-19 Anxiety [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 140-163]

  • Creation and continuity Qualitative Investigation of Individual-Couple Factors on the Creation and continuity of Work-Family Conflict in Married Nursing Women [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 77-115]


  • Depression Autobiographical episodic memory-based training interventions in patients with major depression [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 34-76]

  • Developed intervention Comparison of The Effectiveness of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment with a Developed Intervention based on Training of Mindfulness, Resilience and Emotion Regulation on Positive and Negative Meta-Emotion Components in Pregnant Women with Psychological Distress: An Online Study [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 104-139]

  • Diabetes mellitus Type 1 The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Insulin Induced Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 145-165]

  • Distress Tolerance The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment-Based Therapy on Distress Tolerance and Time Perspective in Mothers with a disabled child IQ [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 51-76]

  • Dyadic Data Application of Dyadic Data Analysis in Psychological Research: Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) Approach [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 73-102]


  • Emotional Well-being Effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on time perspective and emotional well-being among the sufferers of generalized anxiety disorder symptoms. [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 117-143]

  • Emotion efficacy therapy Effectiveness of Emotion Efficacy Therapy on Internet Dependency and Psychological Vulnerability in Students Addicted to Internet [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 23-43]

  • Emotion Focused Therapy The effect of emotional focused therapy on parental self-efficiency and feeling of guilt in mothers of children with burn injuries [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 109-136]

  • Explicit associations Comparison of Implicit and explicit associations of aggression and anxiety in adolescent boys with and without bullying behavior [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 166-193]


  • Generalized anxiety disorder Effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on time perspective and emotional well-being among the sufferers of generalized anxiety disorder symptoms. [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 117-143]


  • Implicit associations Comparison of Implicit and explicit associations of aggression and anxiety in adolescent boys with and without bullying behavior [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 166-193]

  • Independence of Observations Application of Dyadic Data Analysis in Psychological Research: Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) Approach [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 73-102]

  • Insulin induced anxiety The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Insulin Induced Anxiety in Children and Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 145-165]

  • Internet dependency Effectiveness of Emotion Efficacy Therapy on Internet Dependency and Psychological Vulnerability in Students Addicted to Internet [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 23-43]

  • Interpersonal relation Designing and Developing a Model of relational and occupational Consequences of Covid19 pandemic anxiety with the Mediating Role of Self compassion in Nurses of Tehran Hospitals [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 2-32]


  • Keywords: Executive Functions Comparison of the Effectiveness of Parenting Model Based on Executive Function Theory and Barkley’s Program on Executive Functions and Learning Behaviors of Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 73-107]


  • Learning Behaviors Comparison of the Effectiveness of Parenting Model Based on Executive Function Theory and Barkley’s Program on Executive Functions and Learning Behaviors of Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 73-107]


  • Marital conflict Effect of Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) on Attachment Styles of couples with Marital Conflict [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 1-22]

  • Marital conflict The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Couple Therapy on Components Social Well-being in Couples with Marital Conflict [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 113-137]

  • Marital satisfaction Designing A Profile To Predict Marital Satisfaction Among Married Couple In Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 78-112]

  • Marital Satisfaction factors Designing A Profile To Predict Marital Satisfaction Among Married Couple In Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 78-112]

  • Marital Satisfaction Prediction Designing A Profile To Predict Marital Satisfaction Among Married Couple In Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 78-112]

  • Marital Satisfaction Prediction Profile Designing A Profile To Predict Marital Satisfaction Among Married Couple In Tehran [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 78-112]

  • Mental disorders Prediction of Mental Disorders Based on Type D personality in College Students [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 25-44]

  • Meta-emotion Comparison of The Effectiveness of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment with a Developed Intervention based on Training of Mindfulness, Resilience and Emotion Regulation on Positive and Negative Meta-Emotion Components in Pregnant Women with Psychological Distress: An Online Study [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 104-139]

  • Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy Effectiveness of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on time perspective and emotional well-being among the sufferers of generalized anxiety disorder symptoms. [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 117-143]

  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program on the Mindfulness Skills and Cognitive Abilities of Blind and Visually Impaired Athletes [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 137-167]


  • Parenting Pattern Based on Executive Function Theory Comparison of the Effectiveness of Parenting Model Based on Executive Function Theory and Barkley’s Program on Executive Functions and Learning Behaviors of Children with Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 73-107]

  • Personality disorders Predicting personality disorders based on neglect and emotional exploitation in childhood with anger mediated in patients with hypertension [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 142-177]

  • Psychological distress Comparison of The Effectiveness of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment with a Developed Intervention based on Training of Mindfulness, Resilience and Emotion Regulation on Positive and Negative Meta-Emotion Components in Pregnant Women with Psychological Distress: An Online Study [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 104-139]

  • Psychological Flexibility The effectiveness of Training based philosophy for children on psychological flexibility and social performance in children with separation anxiety disorder [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 45-71]

  • Psychological vulnerability Effectiveness of Emotion Efficacy Therapy on Internet Dependency and Psychological Vulnerability in Students Addicted to Internet [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 23-43]


  • Quit Self-efficacy The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment-Based Psychotherapy on Treatment Motivation and Quit Self-efficacy in Addicts [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 1-23]


  • Resilience Comparison of Spirituality, Resilience and Self-Compassion in Students with and without COVID-19 Anxiety [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 140-163]


  • Selfcompassion Designing and Developing a Model of relational and occupational Consequences of Covid19 pandemic anxiety with the Mediating Role of Self compassion in Nurses of Tehran Hospitals [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 2-32]

  • Self-Compassion Comparison of Spirituality, Resilience and Self-Compassion in Students with and without COVID-19 Anxiety [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 140-163]

  • Social Anxiety Disorder Comparison of Interpersonal therapy and cognitive behavior therapy for cognitive symptoms of social anxiety disorder [Volume 12, Issue 42, 2021, Pages 23-50]

  • Spirituality Comparison of Spirituality, Resilience and Self-Compassion in Students with and without COVID-19 Anxiety [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 140-163]

  • Statistical Conclusion Validity Application of Dyadic Data Analysis in Psychological Research: Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) Approach [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 73-102]


  • Tele- psychotherapy Comparison of The Effectiveness of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment with a Developed Intervention based on Training of Mindfulness, Resilience and Emotion Regulation on Positive and Negative Meta-Emotion Components in Pregnant Women with Psychological Distress: An Online Study [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 104-139]

  • Treatment Motivation The Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment-Based Psychotherapy on Treatment Motivation and Quit Self-efficacy in Addicts [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 1-23]

  • Type D personality Prediction of Mental Disorders Based on Type D personality in College Students [Volume 12, Issue 43, 2021, Pages 25-44]


  • Unified transdiagnostic treatment Comparison of The Effectiveness of Unified Transdiagnostic Treatment with a Developed Intervention based on Training of Mindfulness, Resilience and Emotion Regulation on Positive and Negative Meta-Emotion Components in Pregnant Women with Psychological Distress: An Online Study [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 104-139]

  • Unit of Analysis Application of Dyadic Data Analysis in Psychological Research: Actor-Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) Approach [Volume 12, Issue 44, 2021, Pages 73-102]


  • Work attachment Designing and Developing a Model of relational and occupational Consequences of Covid19 pandemic anxiety with the Mediating Role of Self compassion in Nurses of Tehran Hospitals [Volume 12, Issue 45, 2021, Pages 2-32]
