Effective Common Emotional Schemas in Iranian Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Qualitative Study

Maryam Morvaridi؛ Rasoul Roshan Chesli؛ Hojjatollah Farahani؛ Ali Mashhadi

دوره 15، شماره 54 ، فروردین 1403، ، صفحه 21-32


  Objective: There is evidence that emotion plays a role in explaining generalized anxiety disorder, and on the other hand, dysfunctional emotional schemas are different in various psychopathological disorders, but few studies have addressed this issue. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to qualitatively investigate emotional schemas in Iranian patients with generalized anxiety disorder.Research Methodology: For this purpose, 16 patients with generalized anxiety disorder in Mashhad, Iran were interviewed and their responses were qualitatively clustered to extract their emotional schemas and ...  بیشتر

The severity of premenstrual syndrome: developing a descriptive model based on personality traits and self-regulation skills

nader abazari؛ leila heydarinasab؛ Hamid Yaghubi؛ Hojjatollah Farahani

دوره 13، شماره 49 ، دی 1401، ، صفحه 17-36


  Purpose Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is usually observed among women of reproductive age, so, it may be worsened by emotional and somatic symptoms. The main aim of this investigation was to assess the predictability of pain intensity and psychological distress by personality traits and self-regulation skills among the Iranian female population.Methods The data were collected via numeric pain assessment, DASS-42, NEO, SRQ, and demographic questionnaire. The significant level was set at 0.05. In this study, we used the method of variance-based structural equations by PLS software.Results Pearson correlation ...  بیشتر

Development and effect-evaluation of a new family-based art therapy on depression and pain anxiety of the hospitalized children with cancer

Hoda Purrezaian؛ Mohammad Ali Besharat؛ Leili Koochakzadeh؛ Hojjatollah Farahani

دوره 10، شماره 37 ، دی 1398، ، صفحه 21-42


  The consequences of cancer do not just impact on the body only, but expands into the other levels of human existence, including psychological levels. Sometimes these consequences are even more painful and more destructive than physical harms, especially in children. Therefore, the use of psychotherapy for children, particularly art-based psychotherapies, is necessary. So, the main objective of the present research was to develop a new family-based art therapy for hospitalized children with cancer and to evaluation its effectiveness on the symptoms of depression (DEP) and pain anxiety (PA). Five ...  بیشتر