Acceptance and Commitment therapy
Effectiveness of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Experiential Avoidance of Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 45-54]
The effect of Wim Hoff's method on state, trait and competitive anxiety of shooting athletes [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 16-29]
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Computer based Stroop Animal Size Test in Children: Construction, Validation and Psychometric Properties [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 33-44]
Bullying Victim
The Effectiveness of Forgiveness Program on Conciliatory Behavior, School Bonding and Academic Well-being in Female Bullying Victims [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 83-102]
Childhood traumas
Developing Model of Suicidal Thoughts Based on Childhood Traumas in Adolescent Girls: The Mediating Role of Personality Problems, Stressful Life Events and Adolescent Characteristics [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 63-82]
Clinical Population
The Phenomenology of Shame in the Clinical Population: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 55-66]
Computer based
Computer based Stroop Animal Size Test in Children: Construction, Validation and Psychometric Properties [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 33-44]
Conciliatory Behaviors
The Effectiveness of Forgiveness Program on Conciliatory Behavior, School Bonding and Academic Well-being in Female Bullying Victims [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 83-102]
The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy on the tolerance of distress, irrational beliefs, rumination of anger in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 48-62]
Emotional Schema
Effective Common Emotional Schemas in Iranian Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 21-32]
Emotions Control
The Effectiveness of Self- Compassion Treatment on the Tolerance of Failure and Emotions Control among Poor Parenting Adolescents of Family Analogous Centers of Tehran [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 30-47]
Experiential avoidance
Effectiveness of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Experiential Avoidance of Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 45-54]
Forgiveness Program
The Effectiveness of Forgiveness Program on Conciliatory Behavior, School Bonding and Academic Well-being in Female Bullying Victims [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 83-102]
Generalized anxiety disorder
Effective Common Emotional Schemas in Iranian Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 21-32]
Developing and validating the educational package of wisdom and its effectiveness on happiness
and emotional intelligence of students [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 11-20]
Irrational Beliefs
The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy on the tolerance of distress, irrational beliefs, rumination of anger in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 48-62]
The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy on the tolerance of distress, irrational beliefs, rumination of anger in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 48-62]
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Comparison of the effectiveness of the treatment package of oppositional defiant disorder based on biological parental experiences and parent - child relationship-based play therapy on the quality of parent - child interaction and symptoms of children with ODD [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 1-15]
The Phenomenology of Shame in the Clinical Population: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 55-66]
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Effectiveness of the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Experiential Avoidance of Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 45-54]
Cross-cultural adaptation of the Short forms of Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales: Psychometric evaluation in Iran [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 1-10]
School Bonding
The Effectiveness of Forgiveness Program on Conciliatory Behavior, School Bonding and Academic Well-being in Female Bullying Victims [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 83-102]
The Effectiveness of Self- Compassion Treatment on the Tolerance of Failure and Emotions Control among Poor Parenting Adolescents of Family Analogous Centers of Tehran [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 30-47]
The Phenomenology of Shame in the Clinical Population: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 55-66]
The effect of Wim Hoff's method on state, trait and competitive anxiety of shooting athletes [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 16-29]
Stressful life events
Developing Model of Suicidal Thoughts Based on Childhood Traumas in Adolescent Girls: The Mediating Role of Personality Problems, Stressful Life Events and Adolescent Characteristics [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 63-82]
Stroop test
Computer based Stroop Animal Size Test in Children: Construction, Validation and Psychometric Properties [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 33-44]
Thematic analysis
Effective Common Emotional Schemas in Iranian Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder: A Qualitative Study [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 21-32]
The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy on the tolerance of distress, irrational beliefs, rumination of anger in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 48-62]
Tolerance of Failure
The Effectiveness of Self- Compassion Treatment on the Tolerance of Failure and Emotions Control among Poor Parenting Adolescents of Family Analogous Centers of Tehran [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 30-47]
Welfare Family Analogous Center
The Effectiveness of Self- Compassion Treatment on the Tolerance of Failure and Emotions Control among Poor Parenting Adolescents of Family Analogous Centers of Tehran [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 30-47]
Wim Hoff method
The effect of Wim Hoff's method on state, trait and competitive anxiety of shooting athletes [Volume 15, Issue 55, 2024, Pages 16-29]
Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales
Cross-cultural adaptation of the Short forms of Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales: Psychometric evaluation in Iran [Volume 15, Issue 54, 2024, Pages 1-10]